Thursday, December 29, 2016

Onion Lake First Nation Dental Clinic

He completed his undergraduate studies at Brigham Young University (BYU), in Provo, Utah; Then finished his doctorate degree from one of the top dental schools at that time in the United States, University of Washington. The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation created a documentary on the importance of the Crowfoot family and their historical history within Alberta and the prairies, including the Dr. Crowfoot, and what the Crowfoot family is doing today.[2] Upon graduation Dr. Crowfoot realised his goal was to protect and care for the oral health of others and increase a persons happiness by enhancing their self-esteem, self-worth and confidence by creating beautiful smiles for those that may not receive any medical attention at all. He undertook this initiative by relocating to Tuscon, Arizona to further his training then returned to Alberta, Canada and opened a clinic on the Siksika Nation Reserve. IN Support of Dr. Crowfoot, the Siksika health centre constructed a state-of-the-art dental clinic,[3] after building smiles in Siksika, Dr. Crowfoot enhanced the dental clinics of three more clinics in Onion lake, Maskwacis and Saddle lake. Dr Crowfoots lives the entrepreneurial spirit, at an early age; while attending dental school he started his own business in painting houses to support his family and costs incurred for his education. Then after graduating and success of his clinics While practicing dentistry at the Maskwacis Health Centre, he started a medical device manufacturing company, not only did he stimulate the local economy by creating employment opportunities, he also provided orthotics for those whom suffer from the side effects from diabetes, neglect, and illness that impair healthy feet.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

The Duties of the 2016 D.A.D

We are finally in an era where gender equality is recognized, understood and accepted (by most), allowing men to undertake household chores without being emasculated. IN my own personal opinion, the role of a father has changed dramatically, -for the better. We no-longer live in the façade of the “Mad Men era,” we live a society that requires most parents to provide dual incomes, and try to contribute to the housework almost equally.

The following is a list compiled from the help of some fathers across North America, on things a father should be able to do (or learn how to) :

1. Plan meals for the week, and be able to cook them..
2. Make kids lunches for school

3. Be able to sort out laundry and try to fold

4. Teach the kids how to wash and dry dishes by hand

5. Understand the difference between socks and “onesie baby legs”

6. Put kids to bed

7. Teach the kids (5+) when and where is it okay to pass gas

8. Hug the children before they go to school, or remind them to have a good day, the night before if your working

9. Take them to soccer, and cheer loud, don’t correct, but CHEER

10. Teach kids literacy – (this was given to me from my 8yr old…)

11. Know how to cook hotdogs

12. Help kids when they fall, yet also know when to teach them to shake it off and get back up

13. Teach them manners at the dinner table

14. Help the kids turn on Netflix

15. Read to kids constantly, don’t worry, you can make up the stories

16. Be able to tie a pony tail, and if you can make a bun

17. Wiping the proper direction for kids

18. Know not to dry clothes in the microwave

19. How to tie a tie, balloon, shoe lace, skates, and cleats

20. Teach them how to polish shoes on their own

21. How to start a fire

22. Setup new video game systems

23. Put air in to bikes, balls and balloons

24. Set up and connect to Wifi

25. Drive while being distracted

26. Set up a tent

27. How to kill monsters and wasps (if they attack)

28. How to participate in a tea party

29. How to play with dolls

30. Show respect to elders, and class/etiquette to women

31. Prepare a bottle

32. Change a diaper, and put the diaper where its supposed to go!

33. Know the size and brand of the diapers the children use

34. Put a car seat in properly

35. How to clean counters

36. Teach the kids on how to make a bowl of cereal

37. Show your son how to pee standing up

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Teachers Havent Changed – Parents Have

I have witnessed the interactions between students with their teachers and students with their parents and how parents are now interacting with educators – and it’s a seismic shift.

I reflect back to the days when I was attending elementary school, (early 1980’s) when the norm was playing dodge-ball, messing around with first generation Macs; and back then whatever the teacher said was taken as gospel…literally.


This was reaffirmed at parent-teacher meetings; my mom would sit and listen without interrupting, allowing the teacher to state every positive and negative aspect in my ability to learn., including how I would get so excited about knowing the answer, that I would simply blurt it out.

This was reaffirmed at parent-teacher meetings; my mom would sit and listen without interrupting, allowing the teacher to state every positive and negative aspect in my ability to learn., including how I would get so excited about knowing the answer, that I would simply blurt it out.

After the parent-teacher meeting my mom would simply say “stop interrupting class, I don’t care if you know the answer, you MUST put up your hand..” she wouldn’t even acknowledge nor entertain my side, she did not care what I had to say – the teacher had spoken, that was it.

Now in 2016, it is not unusual for a teacher to be confronted by a parent, and the parent is expecting an explanation of the conduct in the classroom, and are shocked when the teacher informs the parent or guardian on behavioral issues. “Oh no, my daughter would never say that…” or “ son told me that you yelled at the class to be quiet..” Now the teacher must explain to the parent, “…of course, I used a stern tone -they were acting wild including your daughter…” and then the parent states “…well my daughter never causes issues, and that frightened her….” And reports the teacher to the administration.

I reside in a community that has more than a handful of educators on one street, one of the teachers, who radiates happiness, patience and tolerance had a student in her class misbehave, not pay attention and constantly distract others, then the student would approach the teacher and ask “what are we doing…” the teacher developed a method to help the student learn about the value of listening.
The teacher provided the student with three popsicle sticks, each time the student needed to approach the teacher (after the teacher explained the activity) to ask a question on what they are doing; the student would have to give one popsicle stick.

The teacher explained an exercise and the student wasn’t paying attention, so she approached the teacher and asked: “what do we do….” The teacher replies, “…are you sure you want to use a popsicle stick for this question because the steps are right there on the whiteboard.” The student said no, and scurried off and tended to her task, knowing the value of her questions.

The next day, the teacher explains a new activity to the entire class, the student again is not paying attention (this child does not have any learning disabilities or cogitative delay, or any impairment) after the teacher advises the class on the tasks, the student approaches the teacher and asks “….umm what are we doing…” the teacher replies “we are doing this…… and that will be one popsicle stick..” the student replies, they are in the garbage; my mom and dad said that I don’t need to be doing that.

My jaw dropped when I was listening to this event, and I am still startled, this teacher not only was teaching the student on the value of listening, thinking about what questions should be asked and so many other skills that are needed for success.

Once a child attends school full-time, the educators are the individuals that spend the most time with your children. Teachers are installed with the duty to provide your child with an education and guide them to learn more; with an objective of the child becoming a positive influence in our society.

I am aware that the odds of having a mediocre teacher are high, yet you should instill your confidence in them. You enable confidence in other professionals, including doctors. Have you ever asked your doctor to see their university transcript on classes they passed and failed… heck you might have a C- doctor, but you still go to them, and the reason is justifiable -you trust them, you must do this with your child’s teacher.

As a father of three elementary school children and a postsecondary lecturer that is married to an elementary school teacher and a brother to a Professor of Education, in my opinion, if you want leaders, allow your children to be lead on a proper path for success. Help teachers, help you, help our children and let’s build a prosperous future – support them. Visit NOW!

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Tiss the season NOT to be Stressed – Santa Treats Everyone Equally

Parents do you remember the 1996 blockbuster hit “Jingle All the Way” starring Sindbad and Arnold Schwarzenegger? Don’t worry if you missed it, it wasn’t a “must see” movie, and far from being a blockbuster, it was simply about two fathers, one was a stressed-out workaholic, and the other was an overworked postal worker; each has a son, and both of them promised their sons the cool new toy for Christmas. However, both fathers waited until Christmas Eve to buy it.

This box office disappointment does reflect some real-life scenarios that more than a few parents face this time in the year. A large percentage of the population are middle-class parents requiring dual household incomes, with many parents working more than one job to stay afloat.

IN the holiday season prices of almost everything goes up, forcing more parents to work longer hours, and not having time to shop, and when they do attempt to buy overpriced gifts, they must fall mercy to the corporate brands and chaotic, hellish environment.

However we can buy online and not worry, it’s a simple click and pay – or is it?
Well its not that simple if the toy is not available or sold-out. The toys industry has several advantages compared to other manufacturing and distributing sectors. They can control the market, and not be publicly scrutinized (As a pharmaceutical company would be.) To prevent flat sales, months or weeks before the Christmas holiday, the toy industry simply increases their marketing with commercials and excels manufacturing and flood the market with the cool new toy, making it available everywhere.

Then at Christmas, the toy manufacturer slows production down, therefore causing an increased demand and making parents frantic; because they promised their child the “cool new toy,” forcing the parent to buy a different and more often expensive alternative.

Good news parents, after Christmas is over, and you bought the more expensive toy to make up for the inability and letdown you caused because you couldn’t give the “cool new toy” to your child; the manufacturers will release mass quantities of that toy so you can buy it! Helping you and their post-Christmas financial figures, assuring that they are stabilized.

What can a parent do so they are not guilted, pressured and extorted into buying toys that are costly because they were intentionally shorted on the market?

With the spirit of Christmas, it can be an excellent opportunity to teach our children about the value of appreciation and equality. We live in a very diverse socially economic country, with drastic ranges in household incomes. We as parents are aware that our children compare gifts they receive from Santa, causing some children to wonder why the other kid got the expensive toy, and they did not.

So why not have Santa bring the toy that doesn’t cost a small fortune. Let it be something with significant meaning. And not the toy that will make “Johnny” at school feel like he got short sticked by Santa. Teach our children that Santa treats everyone equal.

Leave that expensive, cool new toy that’s has been swept off the shelves to come from you.
This will allow parents an opportunity to give their children a written promissory note; with a dedicated day to shop for that toy –After Christmas (it could even be on sale saving you some extra money.)

This will allow your child an opportunity to understand that you worked hard to get this present for them; and who knows your child may want something entirely different when the promised shopping day comes along.
Authored by an eVillage Parent of four children

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Parenting Resource Center | Outgrown My Stuff

The saying goes “it takes a village to raise a child…”  In our eVillage, we encourage our users to grow together, share advice, give help and support by sharing resources. In our parenting section you will find many blogs, articles and material relating to parenting. These resources have been created from individuals that have experienced the problems that you could be facing and will share their experience and solutions.

OUTGROWN MY STUFF is the premier online parenting resource center. This site enables parents to buy, swap, trade and sell items for children and offer other products and services online on one site.

The site was created by parents that simply wish to help other parents on their journey in raising a child. Outgrown My Stuff offers many resources, including expert advice from professionals within Medicine, Dentistry, Education, and evaluation by connecting you to another person that has something in common, -parenting.  Buying and selling can be fun, and connecting with other parents to share positive information will help our children live in a better tomorrow.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Grandparents Are Our Saviors

“Young people need something stable to hang on to – a culture connection, a sense of their own past, a hope for their own future. Most of all, they need what grandparents can give them.” – Jay Kesler

Grandparents are a blessing, they provide wisdom, assistance, and if they can, they will most likely provide some financial support. The greatest of all, -they love their grandchildren deeply and unconditionally.
Yet this blessing might be taking a toll on them, many of us, forget that they are aging, and should be enjoying the fruits of their labor without stress. Articles have surfaced and state that more and more generation X and Y’ers that have children need their parents support as they must go to work to survive. Within the 2011 Government of the United States Census it states “…Family members continue to serve as an important source of child care for preschoolers. In 2011, 24 percent of preschoolers were regularly cared for by their grandparents, ……The percentage of preschoolers cared for by grandparents has risen from 1997, when it was 21 percent….” Its 2016, image in the rate now…
This is due to many evident and available indicators, household incomes are declining, child care is costing more, and the cost to raise a child is higher. These factors combined with a downward economy makes any person realize that money is running short for the “middle-class”
In today's financial times, both parents need to work, terming “dual income households” yet the blunt truth that the house hold with two parents working is making around 45K gross.
So for those that have the “grandparent resource” help them manage the house, and take the time to care for their grandchildren; you should be very grateful and fully aware that your output cost for childcare is now drastically decreased.
So before you go out on a night on the town; think about this: How much money would you be spending for your children to attend childcare? -Its not cheap, and each state and the province is elevating, regardless of the available subsidies provided by the government. Daycare in the United States is costly; and if you have two children, it is tragic.
YOU SHOULD offer the grandparents something for helping you out. Here some justifiable offers:

Bottle of their favorite beverage
Gift certificate for a massage, nails,
Trip – remember you would be spending at least 1K per child for childcare totaling 12k, so buying them an 800$ vacation is justifiable.
Movie passes
Subscription to their favorite newspaper and/or magazines

Child Care Costs

Mothers with children under 5 were more likely to make child care payments than mothers with children only between 5 and 14 (46 percent and 23 percent, respectively).

While the cost of child care increased over time, the percent of monthly family income spent on child care stayed constant between 1997 and 2011, at around 7 percent.

Families in poverty who paid for child care in 2011 spent a greater proportion of their monthly income on child care than did families at or above the poverty line (30 percent compared with 8 percent).

The statistics in this report were collected from January through April 2011 in the Survey of Income and Program Participation.


When I had the pleasure in stumbling upon this Ad for a caregiver/babysitter at the employers home:
Required duties: “..Wash, iron and press clothing and household linens; Travel with family on trips and assist with child supervision and housekeeping duties; Shop for food and household supplies; Perform light housekeeping and cleaning duties; Assume full responsibility for household in absence of parents. Tend to emotional well-being of children; Supervise and care for children; Prepare and serve nutritious meals; Organize, activities such as games and outings for children; Maintain a safe and healthy environment in the home; Keep records of daily activities and health information regarding children; Instruct children in personal hygiene and social development; Discipline children according to the methods requested by the parents; Bathe, dress and feed infants and children; Help children with homework Must show: Initiative; Effective interpersonal skills; Flexibility; Organized..” and the pay is between $6.00-9.00per hour.

Some interesting statistics: The U.S. Census Bureau (2014) reports that 10 percent of children in the United States live with their grandparent(s). Canada doesn't worry we will not forget you, your government did a study released in 2015 “Grandparents living with their grandchildren, 2011.” Cited more than 600K families are living with their grandparents to assist in the general care of their grandchildren and contribute to the cost of living.

And according to 1998 statistics, only 11 percent of grandchildren living with a grandparent did so because of the death of one or both parents.
Shelley Emling Senior Editor, The Huffington Post : Proof That The Grandparent-Grandchild Bond Is Stronger Than Ever
Congress passed the legislation proclaiming the first Sunday after Labor Day as National Grandparents’ Day and, on August 3, 1978, then-President Jimmy Carter signed the proclamation. The statute cites the day’s purpose: “…to honor grandparents, to give grandparents an opportunity to show love for their children’s children, and to help children become aware of strength, information, and guidance older people can offer”.
National Grandparents Day has been celebrated since 1978, when President Jimmy Carter signed a federal proclamation eight years after Marian McQuade, a West Virginia housewife, started a campaign to establish the day.
McQuade and her husband, Joe, had 15 children, 43 grandchildren, 15 great-grandchildren and three great-great-grandchildren.

The census also notes that 2.6 million grandparents were responsible for the basic needs of one or more grandchildren under age 18 living with them in 2014. Of these caregivers, 1.6 million were grandmothers and 1 million were grandfathers.
Grandparents are hardly rolling in the dough. In the U.S., 547,722 grandparents caring for grandchildren under age 18 had incomes below the poverty level in the last 12 months compared with the 2.1 million grandparent caregivers whose income was at or above the poverty level.
The median income for families with grandparent householders responsible for grandchildren under age 18 is $49,700. Of those families in which a parent of those kids was not present, the median income fell to $37,044.
The census notes that 1.8 million of those grandparents caring for their grandchildren were married. That includes those grandparents who were separated.
Many of the grandparents also had jobs. The census reports that 1.5 million of the grandparents caring for their grandchildren under age 18 were in the labor force. Of that number, 383,694 of the grandparents were age 60 or older.
In the U.S. 1.8 million of the grandparents responsible for their grandkids lived in owner-occupied housing, compared with 831,146 who were living in renter-occupied housing.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Cutting Costs in Hair Cuts..

I don’t believe that I am frugal with my children, I believe that I am being responsible. It is more sensible to save money for their future by cutting out unneeded spending. At minimum, a hair cut for a child in my area is $12+ that is about the hourly rate of pay for most..

Having four children, I understand the cost(s) in raising little ones, especially in today's economy. I find myself listening to more and more stories of children getting their hair cut and becoming anxious and afraid- making it a traumatic incident rather than a memorable one.

One service within our household that I do take upon myself (to reduce spending) is by cutting our sons’ hair. My wife and daughter still attend a salon.

I did not attend school to learn how to cut hair, however, growing up my friend Collin cut my hair and we would reciprocate the favor; and in college, I was able to practice on my roommates (they were not as forgiving as my sons are now, nor how I was with Collin).

My wife knows that I don’t want our children to be made fun of, so I have taken the time to browse Pinterest for the latest styles, compared to referring to the hair salons out-dated “big book of hair style” from 1998.

Justification On ME Cutting The Boys’ Hair:

1.) I can take my time, not in a rush
2.) Bonding with my sons
3.) Their hair is more forgiving
4.) Save money ($15-25 per haircut)
5.) It’s simple once you get the hang of it
6.) As a parent, I stay constantly aware of what is trendy
7.) With the money we save, I take the boys for a walk to the local candy store and they get a treat.

Items You Will Require:

1.) Comb & scissors
2.) Spray bottle (do NOT use an old chemical bottle)
3.) Clippers with #2&3 blades guards, almost every drugstore carries them, I found ours at Costco
4.) Old Dress Shirt
5.) Chair or stool
6.) Permission from your spouse/parents of the children

These Are The Steps That I Use To Cut Hair:

Step 1. If you have a spouse, ask permission first……
Step 2.) Fill your spray bottle with water
Step3.) Have the child sit on the chair/stool and wrap the old dress shirt backward around them with the collars up and out and button-up the top buttons.
Step 4.) Spray the child's hair with water (just a couple pumps for their head) and section the hair:
a.) Section the hair into quadrants, left & right side, front & back (use a hair clip) collect the hair on top of your child's head and clip that, and do so with the other areas.

b.) Use a comb and divide the hair into quadrants, left & right side, front & back and then clip it into sections. Now clip the top section by combing a rectangle from temples straight back to the crown, leaving a section above the ear on either side. The part back of hair into a 4-section grid.
Step 5. Let top section down and take a very thin section from a left side and comb it straight up with a fine-tooth comb. Now cut 1/4 inch off. Moving left to right and back to front, repeat, cutting to within 1/2 inch of front hairline.
Incident learned by mistakes : Try to only cut 1/4 inch all over. Hair will look longer in some places, this is due to the curvature of the head.

Step 6: Now cut the back: Take down the top left the back section and use part of already cut top section as guide for length to cut. Work right to left, with sections no more than 1/4-inch thick. Repeat for the bottom left, top right, and bottom right sections.
Step 7: Cut the Sides: Continue by dividing left side section of hair into smaller horizontal sections. Working right to left, cut 1-1/4 inches off. Repeat for right side section.

Finish by combing front hairline section forward and trimming to the desired length. NOW use a Clipper to Cut One Length

Choose a guard length (such as No. 3) and attach to the clipper. Start at the back, working your way up to the crown, and finish with the sides. Choose guard No. 2 for a shorter haircut.

To fade the sides with a clipper: Attach a short guard (such as No. 2) and move hand from nape of neck to bottom of crown, bringing buzzer toward you in an arc to blend layers

Now clean the necklines: Flip the clippers and now cut across the bottom of the neckline and create straight lines from neckline to ear. Take note of where sideburns land at ears to trim evenly. – Do NOT press down hard, the clippers can cut skin.

As per the terms of use, the information provided on this page are not instructions nor an explanation on how to cut hair, this is the authors interpretation of how he cuts hair, it is the sole discretion of the reader to follow or take any form of direction from the content listed within the page or provided by any link(s) connected to this page. Outgrown My Stuff, and the author are not responsible nor liable in any capacity for any harm by any method.

FINANCE – Cost of Living in 2016 as a Middle-Class Family

This is a not a simple question as it is layered with lots of variances, how many children, who is working, where do you live, do you rent, what type of employment do you have, do you have a mortgage, do you include vacations, childcare, do you have student debt…and the list can literally go on and on for pages and pages.

In 2014 CNN Money stated “To raise a child born in 2013 to the age of 18, it will cost a middle-income couple just over $245,000, according to newly released estimates from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. That’s up to $4,260, or almost 2%, from the year before.”

The reaction of this was captured by Philadelphia CBS, interviewing new parents that had twins “…. “I was just knocking my head against the doctor’s office like, ‘oh no.’ And it’s the worst thing to feel, because it’s like awesome having kids, two kids, but it’s also horrible to think the first thing I can think about is money.”

The 2014 online consensus from various credible resources affirms that it DID cost 245K plus college and other aspects to raising a child in the United States.
-OMS Researcher SC.

References : –



*Retrieved and referenced with the implied consent of “share” as posted on the author's site.